Home k_gossip A recap of four years of extortion and assault for 10 million YouTuber tzuyang

A recap of four years of extortion and assault for 10 million YouTuber tzuyang

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The truth behind the tzuyang incident

The Tzuyang case began with shocking details surrounding YouTuber tzuyang’s past. Tzuyang had been blackmailed by her boyfriend in the past into working in a hostess bar, during which time he threatened her and her family with illegal videos, assault, and intimidation.

Tzuyang initially got along well with her boyfriend, but when his violence became apparent, she broke up with him.
However, he did not accept this and continued to threaten her.

Eventually, Tzuyang was forced by her boyfriend to work in a hostess bar for a short period of time.
Tzuyang then began broadcasting on YouTube, where she continued to suffer from ongoing assaults.

tzuyang’s agency and legal dispute after breaking up

After tzuyang’s broadcast days became successful, her boyfriend started an agency and allegedly signed a 7-to-3 contract with tzuyang. However, most of the revenue was taken by the boyfriend, and tzuyang was not paid properly, including advertising revenue.

This led to a back-advertising situation, and tzuyang was continuously exploited by her boyfriend, who forced her to retire and return to work. Eventually, tzuyang decided to end her relationship with the agency (boyfriend) and start a legal dispute.

Tzuyang was unable to endure the threats and assaults and sued her ex-boyfriend with the help and persuasion of the agency staff. During this process, her ex-boyfriend took the extreme choice of committing suicide.

Just when things seemed to be going smoothly for Tzuyang, the case was brought to the public’s attention when the YouTuber channel Foot-and-Mouth Disease released a recording of Tzuyang being paid by the agency, which revealed that Tzuyang had worked in a brothel.

Analyzing YouTuber gasey Kim’s recording revelations

gaseyeon’s representative, Kim Se’s, secured the recording and prepared to expose it. She analyzed and released the recordings in detail, which included the premeditation and planning of the blackmail against Tzuyang and the conflict between Tzuyang and Akarakacho.

Gaseyeon’s publicly released recordings and discussion

The recording released by Kim Se-yeon of gaseyeon was dated February 2023 and was obtained by Akarakacho through the cell phone of Gu jae-yeok.

The recording confirmed Gu jae-yeok’s threats against TZUYANG and his intention to gain financial benefits from them. Discussion and analysis followed, including condemnation of Gu jae-yeok’s actions and discussion of legal responses.

In the transcripts, it is clear that Foot and Mouth was paid 55 million won by Tzuyang and had the VAT processed, which seems to indicate that Foot and Mouth was thoroughly prepared to prove that the money was not illegal and was received through a legitimate service contract.

By emphasizing that he received the money legitimately through VAT processing, Cheol emphasized that he never received any fraudulent money.Foot-and-mouth disease claims that he never received any fraudulent money and was prepared for legal and tax challenges, emphasizing that he received the money legitimately through VAT processing.

Foot-and-mouth emphasizes that the money he received was from a legitimate service contract, and he was prepared for any legal issues.

Foot-and-mouth disease and YouTuber Caracula’s relationship

In the transcripts, there is a part where YouTuber Foot-and-Mouth Disease and YouTuber Caracula mention tzuyang, and when the recording of them discussing it is released, YouTuber Caracula is also in the public eye. Afterward, YouTuber Caracula denied the allegations, saying that he did not know the situation or content of tzuyang when he spoke with YouTuber Foot-and-Mouth Disease, and that he told YouTuber Foot-and-Mouth Disease not to attack tzuyang, as shown in the recording.

YouTuber Gaseon’s Kim Sae Kim and the potential catastrophe of the Caracula situation

The relationship between YouTuber Gaseon Kim Sae and YouTuber Caracula is heading towards catastrophe after they released recordings of each other.

Their relationship continues to deteriorate, with each preying on the other’s weaknesses in a war of revelations. Kim’s release of the foot-and-mouth recording has destroyed his credibility, and Caracula is likely to expose Kim’s weaknesses in retaliation. This is putting their relationship on the rocks.

Legal issues in the internet community have serious implications

The legal issues that have arisen in the internet community have serious implications. The revelations of Foot-and-Mouth Disease, Kim Se’s, and Caracula’s exposé have caused a stir in the internet community, and legal reactions have followed. While Foot and Mouth Disease claims that his behavior is legal, Kim Sae and Caracula have responded with legal action.

What happened and the impact

The “God of Business” case has had a major impact on the YouTube industry. The case started with the issue of the connection between the God of Business and the media, and the YouTubers who exposed it faced legal action.

The “God of Business” case is known to have resulted in a temporary restraining order and a civil lawsuit filed by Eun Hyun-sik. The case became an important opportunity to question the morality and transparency of the YouTube industry, and had a major impact on trust issues and cooperation among YouTubers.

Stickiness in the YouTube industry

The importance of clarification in the YouTube industry is huge. The foot-and-mouth disease, Kim Se’s, and Caracula cases have raised a variety of legal and ethical issues as YouTubers have issued clarifications to protect their reputation and trust. In some cases, attempts to defend themselves through clarifications have led to further controversy and conflict. The YouTube industry has become more polarized as a result of these incidents, and each YouTuber needs to be more prepared and responsive to defend their position.

These cases highlight the complex relationships, trust issues, and legal and ethical conflicts in the YouTube industry. The Tzuyang case, as well as the foot-and-mouth disease, Kim Se’s, and Caracula’s exposés, have had a profound impact on YouTubers’ relationships with each other and the industry as a whole.

These incidents have reminded YouTubers that they need to be better prepared and responsive to protect their reputation and trust.

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